Soul To Soul / Lessons From The Past


Living A Full And Happy Life With Less

Ann is joined by old friend Monica in this soul-to-soul discussion that delves into the past. Listen as they journey back to post-war Britain and recount their experiences of rationing, work and healthcare. We learn how living with less does not always leave you wanting more.

If you are interested in hearing the insights shared at a particular point in the video, please skip ahead to the times below:

00:13 - Learn a little about Monica's past life, running a successful family butcher shop.

02:23 - Ann and Monica compare modern staff training and standards to their experiences many years ago working on a shop floor.

03:50 - Learn about the practical realities of clothing during post-war rationing and the long-forgotten mentality of 'wash and wear'.

05:49 - Monica describes the journey from her first job after leaving school and how she worked her way up to eventually running a successful business with her husband.

08:03 - Step into an exciting chapter of Monica's life living in Spain, would she ever go back?

08:40 - Ann and Monica reminisce about the holidays they have had during their friendship and how visiting Cuba reaffirmed to them that people can survive with nothing.

12:40 - We step back in time with Ann and Monica as they explain how different healthcare was for them as young girls at school. Was the care better or worse?

16:00 - Has the NHS gone backwards because of the pressure of the pandemic? As huge waiting lists and treatment cancellations become the norm.

16:52 - Living a long and colourful life; we need to realise that our elders are not 'old'!

Special thanks go to Monica for sharing her knowing in this soul-to-soul discussion.